Monster of the Week #30 - Abomination of Flesh


This week, to continue in the same vein as last week, we have selected The Abomination of Flesh

I've had multiple "Frankenstein's Monster" enemies I've fought against and ran against my players, however this particular stat block has some extra things to make the creature that much harder. Some of these scarier abilities replicate exactly what could make a huge abomination scary to the players - even the seasoned vets!

The Abomination of Flesh is a powerful monster that can be a great challenge for players in a D&D game. It is a monstrous creature that is composed of multiple corpses that have been fused together using dark magic. This gives it a grotesque and unsettling appearance, and it can use the various body parts of its component corpses to attack in a variety of ways. This is perfect for any body-horror fans out there (myself included)! The Adomination also has a formidable array of abilities such as regeneration and immunity to certain types of damage. Additionally, its unique appearance and abilities can add an eerie and memorable element to the game.

In terms of it's stats, here are the most notible:
  • The Abomination has 468 (24d20 + 216) HP (wow!)
  • Vulnerable to: fire
  • Immune to: lightning, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine
  • Immune to the following conditions: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

It also contains a variety of abilities that make it a formidable opponent for players. For example, it has a wide array of attacks, it can use its Multiattack to make a melee fist attack and a bite attack. If it hits with the fist, it delivers 25 (4d8 + 9) bludgeoning damage and grapples the target witha DC 19 STR check. That's pretty strong! When using it's bite, it gets even worse for players. When it hits with it's bite, it delivers 30 (4d10 + 9) piercing damage and a  large or smaller creature that fails a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw could be SWALLOWED by the abomination. YIKES!

Anyone swallowed is blind and restrained, itand will suffer 21 (6d6) acid damage at the start of each of the Abomination's turns. I never seen anything on this stat block around breaking out, but that could be up to the GMs discretion if players are having a hard time. Alternatively, if the Abomination takes 30+ damage during a turn, it must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or spit out all people he's eaten. That's just nasty!

Regarding it's abilities, it has Fire Aversion which imposes disadvantage on it's skill checks and attacks until the end of it's next turn, it's form cannot be altered due to Immutable Form, can regenerate when struck with lighning (i.e. lightning heals it equal to the damage it should have taken), it's attacks count as magical, and it has advantage against magical effects. Basically, this guy has a lot of tools on it's belt.

Lastly, it's main notable unique action is Disgorge which lets the Abomination vomit up creatures that can attack players. 

So that's a lot of abilities, and a lot of damage. For experienced adventurers, this could be a great monster to fight even just due to it's sheer resilience. Even with it's tiny AC (9), it's massive HP pool and wealth of resistances could keep this thing standing for longer, and that's assuming players do not shoot this creature with lightning.

So what do you think? For me, it's one of the favourite representations of a "Frankenstein's monster" creature. Let us know what you think in the comments below!

I hope you enjoyed this article and please give this monster's stats a look (here's the link again if you want it).

Thanks again for stopping by, and until next time, good gaming!
