Monster of the Week #27 - Living Spellbook


This week we change pace and go for something a little differnet. It's back to D&D, however this time we're going over to Homebrew creatures. This week we're looking at the Living Spellbook - a homebrew D&D Beyond monster (that can be found here) that one of my D&D group sent me. The player said they'd like to come up against it as part of their character's story arc - and looking at the it, I really like it!

Imagine a group of adventurers looting an abandoned magic location - traps were searched and no threats were found. This is where having you could spice things up for your players and throw unexpected enemeies at them. Thee Living Spellbook fits this bill - a seemingly standard non-threat, which turns out packs a really surprsingly strong punch to your players who may see this like a gimick fight (or even a joke!).

Something like this is a good option to keep medium level players on their toes - especally as this living spelbook has a wealth of spells at it's disposal. Another neat thing about the Living Spellbook is that it could easily be scaled up or down depending on your group - either increasing or decreasing it's spells known.

So what special abilities does it actually have?

To start with the basic stats, it has a 72 HP pool - not a lot for a CR 9 opponent, but reasonable considering it's a spellbook. However, it's AC is 18 - sirprisingly high but also makes sense due to it's potential to fly around thr room as a small target. It also has a flying speed of 50ft - good luck catching it!

The book is immune to most conditions, and is immune to force, poison, and psychic damage. In addition, it has resistance to the remaining elements; acid, cold, fire, lighntning and thunder. Lastly, the book is resistance to magical effects, so gains advantages on these saving throws.

It also seems to have a bonus in the Arcana and History stats - results in a +9 to these. I'm not sure at the moment how this could factor in, but if you wanted to make the book sentitent, these bonus would be easily used within a game.

With these attributes alone, the Living Spellbook is already an opponent/ creature I wouldn't have normally thought to place in a game, but it's already easy to see how this book could help or hinder the unwitting player. Is the book a trapped mage's spirit who is seeking help to be broken from their bonds? Is it a cursed item that seeks to bond with individuals that eventually seeks to transfer it's knowledge/ conciousness into players? There's a bunch of potential without needing to think really hard on it! I'm already noting a bunch of ideas down.

So what special abilities/ attributes does it have?

The book  has:

  • Eschew Materials - meaning it needs no physcial materials to cast it's spells
  • False Appearance - allowing it to be indistingushable from a normal book (without detect magic, I imagine!)
  • Immutable Form - making it impossible to use magic to change it's current shape, size or form.
These are nice little attributes, but my favourite is it's big weakness: Antimagic Suscepibility. This means that the book it can be completely incapacitated when under an antimagic field. Nice and easy! However, there is a note to say that Dispel Magic does not work, so it won't be THAT easy to put this book to sleep!

The last thing to mention is the melee capabilities of the book, which you can imagine is pretty limited... It has Slam. In short, whacking it's foe over the head to deal 1d4+2 damage. Absolutely crippling!..

Other than that, the book has 120 ft of Blindsight and can speak 5 languages and use telepathy - so at least it can communicate it's way out of a fight with players if it needs to!

So that's the Living Spellbook! A simple but fun little opponent for your players. I tend to go along a horror route for my enemies, but I already have a fun little side quest ready, with this thing at the centre! A worthy little thing for the Monster of the Week.

For anyone that's interested, here is the stat block for this week's creature!

What do you think of the Living Spellbook? Got any suggestions you'd like to see? Let us know in the comments of this blog, or via the our socials. As usual, thanks again fro stopping by and hope your games all go well over this winter period!

